
Welcome to SGC Nursery Ministry!

We provide a nursery for ages 6 months up to and including 4 years old.  You are certainly welcome to keep your children in the service with you, but a nursery is provided if that would serve you.  We also have a Nursing Mother’s Room, which can be used by mothers with nursing, crying, or restless infants.  It is stocked with various supplies, dim lighting, and live video of the service.  Ask one of our ushers/greeters for help finding the nursery or the Nursing Mother’s Room.

Christian Education

In the nursery, the children will often have a snack, a craft, and a Bible lesson.  Our nursery curriculum is provided by Children Desiring God, a ministry of John Piper.

Protection of the Children Under Our Care is A Top Priority

Caring for children at Sovereign Grace Church is a responsibility we take very seriously. Our desire is that children and families will experience safe, green pastures where they can be taught well and cared for.  We seek to provide for the safety and security of the children under our care in three ways:

  • Screening: We utilize a thorough application process, including full criminal background checks, and personal interviews for all paid staff and volunteers. Our criteria for working with children are designed to reduce the number of high-risk applicants and ensure the integrity of our workers.
  • Training: All children’s workers and volunteers are required to read, sign, and commit to abide by our Child Abuse Prevention Program, our Children’s Ministries Policies and Procedures Manual, and any departmental policies that are in place.  In addition, all workers and volunteers are required to complete sexual abuse awareness training and pass a test, provided by Ministry Safe (
  • Safe Practice: Our Children’s Ministries Policies and Procedures Manual utilizes the safest practices based on the latest research, state law, and Biblical wisdom.  Compliance with all these policies and any other departmental policies is reinforced by a signed commitment to abide by policies, renewal training, monitoring of practices, and intervening when suspect activity or allegations are found.

Some of Our Nursery Policies

  • Our worker to child ratio is 2:8 for 6-24 months and 2:12 for 24 months to 4 years old.
  • We utilize a paging system so parents can be contacted discreetly during service should a problem arise.
  • Diapering/Toileting: we follow the strictest guidelines, only allowing women to diaper/toilet, ensuring that no child is left alone with an adult.
  • No form of physical discipline is ever permitted.
  • From time to time, you may see men working in the nursery.  Only married men are allowed, and only in association with their wives.  Men are never allowed to change diapers or take children to the bathroom.
  • On Sunday morning, our workers are volunteers, usually parents.  All volunteers must be members for at least 6 months before working in the nursery.
  • A copy of our nursery policy is available upon request.  Copies are available in the church and hanging on the wall in the nursery.

We hope that you and your children are blessed by the care they receive while in the nursery.  If you have any questions, please ask a pastor or greeter.