What’s Happening with Small Group Ministry??

If you’ve been around the last few weeks, you know that things are changing at SGC.  We provided a set of Frequently Asked Questions a few weeks ago and are posting them below. What questions do you have?

What are Life Groups?

Two to four people committed to meeting together on a regular basis.

How often do Life Groups meet?

We recommend every other week, but you can meet more often if it serves the group.

When do Life Groups meet?

Whenever all three of the Life Group members can meet (any day, any time).

How long does the meeting last?

Each group should decide how much time they want/need to have a productive and fruitful meeting.

Who makes up a Life Group?

You decide who you want to be in a Life Group with, then go ask those people to be in a LG with you. You can start by asking “Who do I have good fit with already and who do I have a heart for?” If someone is already be committed to a group, allow them the freedom to say so and to decline, as we don’t recommend being in more than two LGs.

How long will I have to be in a Life Group with these people?

Life Groups have multiplication as a goal, so from the beginning the group has a shared understanding that hopefully more LGs will be birthed out of their LG.

How does a Life Group multiply?

While Life Groups are initially made up of three people, at some point the group may pull in a fourth person. Eventually, that LG of four could divide into two new LGs, each pair picking up a third person to form their new LG.

How does it work for married couples?

Three men can be a Life Group and their wives can be a LG. Or a man’s wife may choose to create a LG with two other women. The wives of a men’s LG are not automatically in a LG. Wives/women are encouraged to form LGs based on best fit and the Lord’s leading more than on whom their husbands are in a LG with.

What about mixed gender Life Groups?

Because of the personal and intimate level of relationship that we hope to develop, and because of the unique struggles that men and women face, Life Groups will either be all male or all female.

What do we do in the Life Group meeting?

Bible/study, personal needs/struggles, prayer/intercession

Who leads Life Groups?

Anyone can lead a Life Group! Some LGs will be birthed out of another LG. Others will start up spontaneously.

How do I get into a Life Group?

All you have to do is find two other people you want to be in a Life Group with and ask them to starting meeting with you. You should start with people who are not already in a LG. Many who are already in a LG may not be able to be in a second LG as well. We recommend no one be in more than two LGs at any given time.

How can we reach out to lost people?

In addition to personal, one-to-one evangelism, the Life Group can become a wonderful context for you to reach out to lost people as a community of disciple makers. As you live life and infiltrate your community, you can invite your LG to go with you. Go to the park with your LG and try to start up gospel conversations with people there. Invite co-workers to a ball game and ask your LG to come along. LGs, especially when wives and children are a part, become a small group outreach arm that you put together, targeting the people you are trying to reach.

What are community group nights?

Everyone who participates in a Life Group is also committed to a community group. The community group meets once a month for worship, fellowship, testimonies, prayer, and sometimes just to have fun together. These nights are also entry points for anyone not yet involved in a LG. Someone may attend community group every month for a while before ever starting a LG and that’s fine. Our hope with these nights is to encourage people and the call to make disciples and show them how LG ministry is helping us accomplish that.

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